OSJCT Bemerton Lodge

Christie Miller Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 7EN

Average review score of 4.9 from 41 customer reviews

"My relative has been here for a number of years. As a family we have always found the staff to be extremely caring and compassionate. The manager and her deputy are approachable and extremely thoughtful and caring, an ethics the care team resonate. The home is rather old and I was pleased to hear is getting a well deserved refurbishment. My relative has Dementia and at times can be quite challenging, however this is handled in a professional and understanding manner. The carer team are a group of outstanding individuals and as a family we are extremely grateful for all they do. The food is simple but taste lovely, it's not fancy but as our relative had gained weight it is obviously nutritious.
Review provided by "
Mary S, 8th April 2016


Bemerton Lodge provides accommodation and care for up to 56 older people, some of whom may have dementia.

The home, located just half a mile from the centre of the cathedral city of Salisbury, is operated by The Orders of St John Care Trust (OSJCT). OSJCT is a leading not for profit charity which provides care for older people in over 70 care homes and extra care schemes.

Bemerton Lodge offers its residents single room accommodation. Residents are encouraged to personalise their rooms with their own possessions and furniture if they so wish.  The two floors are linked by a lift.  Both floors have communal lounges and dining areas.  The home also has a mobile shop, a tea room and a bar.  

As part of its specialist dementia care service, the home focuses on the activities of daily living skills.  To that end, a residents' kitchen has been created, which is very popular and well used.

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