Clifden House Dementia Care Centre

80-88 Claremont Road, Seaford, East Sussex, BN25 2QD

Average review score of 4.6 from 19 customer reviews

"When my husband was offered a place at Clifden House Dementia Care Centre I was very pleased as local people had said how good it was. It is not a home that takes away their residents independence in fact it encourages them to stay mobile as long as possible and provides lots of activities for them. My family is just as pleased as I am."
J L, 21st June 2015


Clifden House is a residential care centre that functions at a very high level with regard to the care it delivers and the oversight it offers for the individual with dementia. What we can offer is the potential of a full and active future with dementia, rather than a future lost to dementia.

Dementia is a long term condition, a disability of the reasoning and understanding abilities of the intellect. There is currently no cure, and therefore it is a condition that must be lived with. It is not caused by old age, but the risks of developing dementia increase greatly with each decade, especially after reaching sixty-five.

 People with dementia come from all walks of life, used to being in control of their lives and their futures. If they now have dementia, the number one priority is not one of diagnosis or medication, but about their future and the life that they can lead with this illness, alongside a community of family, friends and acquaintances.

Clifden House has developed its very own newspaper - Dementia News East Sussex! Rather than simply producing a glossy brochure showing our lovely landscaped gardens, restaurant quality food and refurbished public areas, we thought we'd be a little more interesting and write about issues that are really important to people, such as:

What elderly people with high care needs really want, rather than what we think that they want.
Why moving to a residential care centre is not an admission of failure, but the one route to real independence, engagement and wellbeing for the individual with dementia that combines housing, social and healthcare.
Who can really lead us through the maze of Funding for Care?

Plus, we have lots of fantastic images of all the activities and events that take place both inside and outside the centre. Contact us on for your free copy!


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How to find Clifden House Dementia Care Centre

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