Maria Helena Care

Dawsmere Road, Dawsmere, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE12 9NQ

Average review score of 5 from 2 customer reviews

"This message comes to give our sincere thanks to every member of staff at Maria Helena Care for the loving care kindness and dignity you all showed to my husband especially during some very difficult times. You all bring your individual skills to give the home a very special atmosphere where everyone makes you welcome and nothing is too much trouble."
, 19th April 2012


The management and staff try to encourage each resident to be as independent as possible and to remain an individual through planning their care with them and agreeing goals and targets. The residents are positively encouraged to make their room as homely as possible with small items of personal possessions, all bedrooms are tastefully decorated to a very high quality and equipped with a nurse call system and en-suite facilities.

Specialist bathing and showering facilities are available to ensure our residents are able to access them promoting their abilities in a positive way. A passenger lift allows free movement and access for our residents to all areas of the home.

We provide a planned program of activities based on consultation with our residents, and we try to include as many residents as possible in the decision making process to ensure the program meets everyone’s individual needs. We provide extensive in-house activities on a daily basis such as bingo, craft making, skittles, reading, singing, massage, exercise to name a few and we also book outside agencies to provide sing-a-longs etc.

Chiropodist and hairdressers will visit the home on a regular basis and provide their services to our residents at their request.

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