Cartref Residential Care Home

1a Church Mount, South Kirkby, PONTEFRACT, West Yorkshire, WF9 3QT

Average review score of 5 from 1 customer reviews

"I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all who looked after my mother during her time at Cartref and especially to those who who cared for her in her final weeks. She had settled at Cartref faster than I thought, telling me how kind and patient the staff were and how much she liked the food.
I was happy knowing she felt secure, safe and comfortable and had congenial company and activities to occupy her. When she became ill the staff went out of their way to help her to try to eat and drink, always making sure she was clean and comfortable whilst maintaining her dignity at all times, even when she became unable to speak and spent most of her time asleep, they still chatted to her so she did not feel alone.
I was particularly touched by the sensitivity of the staff on duty the night my mother passed away. Someone was with her when she died and stayed with her for a time afterwards. They were also very kind to me, both in the way in which they delivered the news of her death and when I arrived at Cartref that night.

, 19th April 2012


Residential Care Home, Pontefract

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